
Sunday, June 10, 2012

Flip the Table is On The Air!!!

UPDATE: Flip the Table is now available on iTunes! Click here to get it there!

The wait is over! You can now download and listen to Flip the Table: The Podcast About The Other Side of Board Games! Not only that, but we've got a couple of surprises as well!

THE FIRST SURPRISE: We're dropping 4 episodes! That's right; we got so far ahead of schedule on recording, we've decided to bring you four big episodes to listen to! That's four reviews of cheesy, weird, and obscure board games for your entertainment!

THE SECOND SURPRISE: All four episodes today feature an exclusive audio trailer for Pixel Lincoln!

Pixel Lincoln is a new DBG which features Abraham Lincoln in an 8-bit world of video game mayhem! If this sounds awesome to you, you can go back it on Kickstarter right now and get some awesome rewards for doing so!

Check out the links below to listen to our brand new podcast...and if you like what you hear, catch up with us on Twitter @tableflipsyou and let us know what you think!

Episode 1: Transformers

Episode 2: American Idol

Episode 3: WWE DVD Board Game

Episode 4: Lingo DVD