
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Episode 38: eBay

Way back in 2001, when the dot-com bubble was bursting and the Internet was crumbling to dust in front of our eyes, one company had the foresight to create a time capsule of what would most assuredly be a distant memory 12 years later...a way to teach generation after generation about the thrill and excitement of online auctions. Now, in 2013, contributing Flipsters Ben and Niki Turner stop by to play the eBay Electronic Talking Auction Game! We let the soothing voice of the electronic squawk box guide us through 30 auctions of indeterminate length. Who will bid their way to victory and get the best assortment of random junk? And can we find the off switch? Find out now!

Download Episode 38! (mp3)

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