
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

We've CRUSHED our Extra Life Goal!!!

So far, Team Bance has crushed its original fundraising goal for Children's Miracle last week on the podcast, we announced that if we hit our second stretch goal of $3,000, we'd have a special surprise...

...well we CRUSHED it! With time left to go!

So as a thank you to everyone for helping to get the word out and raise money, our website now has a "Freebies" page, where you can not only download the Gone Flippin' game, but you can also download a handful our our musical interludes at the end of some of our favorite episodes, including the Vanilla Bance Rap!

Download Freebies from Flip the Table!!!

Thank you all once agian for your generous support...and if you'd still like to help, click here to visit the Team Bance home page!!!